There are several elements to consider if one wishes to have a thriving church service. Aside from the community itself, you also need to keep in mind the entire production, which relies on more than just people.

Technology, particularly audio and visuals, plays a critical role in church services, which is why churches are often encouraged to invest in them to ensure quality production over time. 

If you’re thinking of upgrading or purchasing a sound system for your church, you first need to do some things to ensure that you make an informed purchase. 

Things to Do before Buying a Church Sound System

Conduct Research

The sound system that you ultimately decide on will significantly affect your church services, so it’s best if you don’t go into things blindly. Before purchasing the first sound system you see online or in a store, you need to do your research first.

Technology has advanced enough that sound systems have unique functions these days. Some are meant for home theaters because they provide ambient sound quality, while others work best in venues, given the clear sounds that they let out. 

There are many guides online if you feel out of depth. In addition, you can also consult with audio-video specialists to gain their insight on the best system for your church. 

Compute Your Budget

Your church needs to settle on a final budget before making any purchases. Having a set number can point you in the right direction. After all, some brands and systems are out of range, depending on your budget.

To give you a better idea of what you can buy, the national average for sound systems is $683, according to Home Advisor, with the typical range landing around $242 to $1,150. Of course, you may need to pay more if you need a more complex, booming setup. 

You also need to consider installation fees since not all stores install the systems for free. Make sure to ask an audio-video specialist or perhaps contact the online shop beforehand to make sure the system’s total price includes the installation. 

Consider Church Logistics

Church operations can also affect the kind of sound system that you’ll need for your services. Here are two factors that you must keep in mind while shopping:

Venue Requirements

Churches have unique sound system needs, which depend on the hall’s dimensions and the materials present in the church. 

For example, a church that features plenty of sound-reflecting items may not need a system as powerful as a church made with sound-absorbing materials. 

You also need to examine the furnishing present in your church hall. Curtains, draperies, and carpeting may impede sound from the sound system you choose, so take stock of those before making any decisions. 

Regular Audience

While browsing for sound systems, you also have to keep in mind your church community.

If your church is currently small and intimate, you may want to consider a simple sound system for the time being. You can always purchase upgrades in the future to accommodate the growing community.

Getting in touch with your church’s tech team or an external audio-video specialist may be necessary. They can help you discern which system size will work for your church.

Final Thoughts

A lot of planning needs to happen before you go out and purchase a sound system for your church. Aside from doing your own research and finalizing your budget, you may also want to consider consulting with professionals regarding the subject matter.

AV specialists have the skills, expertise, and resources to give valid recommendations to clients. Working with one may save you time and energy and lead to the best purchase for your church.

If you’re looking for audio-visual companies in Birmingham, Alabama, get in touch with SAVI A/V Specialist today. Our team consists of audio and video specialists dedicated to helping clients find the system that fits their needs. Contact us today!

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